Blog EAT Blog - 18 March - Heat Four

Aw, what a lovely day at the Vibe Bar for the fourth heat of

Big Apple Hot Dogs



) Blog EAT Blog. See my recent post


for links to loads of posts regarding the first three heats of Blog EAT Blog.

Here's a photo of the man who brought us all together, Abiye of Big Apple Hot Dogs, dashing as ever in red:

You can find Abiye and his delicious, gourmet, handmade hot dogs at 239 Old Street across from the old Foundry, Tues-Fri 12-6.

The lovely Clara of

Can Be Bribed with Food



) created Devious Dolly made with red and white cabbage, carrot, mayonnaise, Clara's secret scotch bonnet hot sauce and more! It was colourful, creamy, crunchy and spicy!

Today's contest saw



) rock up with Jam Hot - Jack Daniels, bacon, chorizo pineapple jam, ndjua cheese sauce, cider fried jalepenos & magic jerky dust topping.  It was meaty, crispy, slightly sweet, overall goodness that tasted and looked delicious.

For my topping I decided to do a Big Apple & Pepper Chutney 4 a Big Apple Hot Dog -  apple and pepper chutney which is bramley apples, onions, cider vinegar, demerara sugar, Smy six-pepper jelly then topped with Spanish onions fried in goose fat and a drizzle of additional six-pepper jelly for those who wanted to take it up a notch!

Whilst frying my last bunch of onions this morning I went to check the time and this happened:

BOOM - a cornflour and kilner catastrophe!  I decided to think of it as an offering to the Blog EAT Blog hot dog gods and that I would clean it up upon my return...which I am now putting off by blogging.

So in summary here are the three entries:

I love this photo from Abiye where all three contestants seem to be gazing lovingly at their dawgs:

Hybrid hotdog topping action courtesy of 


Let Abiye know which one was your favourite by tweeting #blogeatblog or


and the winner will be announced soon as will the final series which will be announced soon and will see the winners from all four heats battling once more to win Blog EAT Blog 2012!!!

Thanks again to Abiye, Vibe Bar and everyone who came out for a great event and day! The best bit was chatting to the contenders and the people who came down. The London food revolution will not be televised...well it kind of is...but it will most definitely be tweeted and blogged about...Blog EAT Blog style!!!

and remember...

it's not your chutney...

it's Smy Chutney.

please follow Smy Chutney on





and if you haven't seen it already, here's a little video made by

Emma Crouch



) about Smy Chutney: